
Saudi Prince: 'We Don't Want the West to Find Alternatives'

Orange Impostor5/30/2011 8:17:03 am PDT

Surprise, surprise.

Another Andrew Brietbart “exclusive” exposed as a manufactured story - and it’s looking like the source of the allegations, Dan Wolfe (aka “patriotusa76”) might have been the actual instigator.

Alleged Weinergate ‘Mistress’ Speaks Out

Gennette Cordova, the Seattle-area student who received a picture of an erection covered in underwear from the Twitter account of Rep. Anthony Weiner (D - N.Y.), released a statement on Sunday, categorically denying she is Weiner’s “mistress” and cataloging the harassment she received from jeering conservatives on Twitter.

Cordova’s account, published in the New York Daily News, would seem to corroborate the theories of DailyKos user Stef, who tracked down the original source of the allegations against Weiner, Twitter user “patriotusa76” (real name Dan Wolfe).

As Stef notes, Wolfe appeared to have “foreknowledge that something was going to go down,” and Tweeted obsessively about Weiner and “young girls.” Cordova writes that she had been “harassed” by a Twitter user ever since Rep. Weiner had started following her; it seems clear that Wolfe was that Twitter user, and may be the person responsible for the congressman’s errant Tweet.

As for the supposed “mistress” who is the subject of the suggestive tweet?
Turns out that not only has she never met Rep. Weiner, she’s never been to either New York or Washington DC. And the lewd picture that she was supposedly sent? Deleted from Twitter before she even saw it.

From her statement regarding the story:

I am a 21-year-old college student from Seattle. I have never met Congressman Weiner, though I am a fan. I go to school in Bellingham where I spend all of my time; I’ve never been to New York or to DC. The point I am trying to make is that, contrary to the impression that I apparently gave from my tweet, I am not his girlfriend. Nor am I the wife, girlfriend or mistress of Barack Obama, Ray Allen or Cristiano Ronaldo, despite the fact that I have made similar assertions about them via Twitter.

There have never been any inappropriate exchanges between Anthony Weiner and myself, including the tweet/picture in question, which had apparently been deleted before it reached me. I cannot answer the questions that I do not have the answers to. I am not sure whether or not this letter will alleviate any future harassment. I also do not have a clear understanding as to how or why exactly I am involved in this fiasco. I do know that my life has been seriously impacted by speculation and faulty allegations. My reputation has been called into question by those who lack the character to report the facts.