
Dirty Loops Goes Country: Songs for Lovers - Chicken Lover

Axolotl7/27/2020 9:09:27 am PDT

re: #273 lawhawk

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area.

We’ve learned that Trump’s covid19 team meetings at the WH last all of 15 minutes a day. That’s barely a standup in any kind of project management system (kanban, agile, scrum, etc.) We program 30 minutes daily to give updates to blockers, what needs improvement, what we’re working on today, and what still needs to be done. Then there’s meetings after that with the team to deal with specific issues and fixes.

Right now, covid19 is kicking ass and killing people by the 1000 a day. Trump doesn’t have a plan or a care. They’re continuing to die, because Trump and his corrupt GOP doesn’t care that the one thing that can save lives is the one thing they wont mandate: masks.

That’s the one thing that will save the economy and get business going again, but Trumpists wont mandate it because reasons. None of them are related to public health or science. It’s all because Trump thinks that they make him look weak.

What’s weak is Trump’s response and failures - he’s destroyed the economy. He’s backed out of throwing a first pitch at an empty Yankee Stadium (as if he was even invited to do so by the team, even though Randy Levine is supposedly a friend of his going back to the George Steinbrenner days).

But know that Melania’s going to do a landscape project to refashion the Rose Garden.


Stand ups are typically 15 minutes long.