
New From Seth Meyers: Fox News Lies About the Texas Blackouts as GOP Lies About the Election

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/23/2021 12:03:00 am PST

For you genealogy folk who have done DNA testing (AncestryDNA, 23andMe, etc.):

MyHeritage is currently running (until 28 Feb) a promo where you can upload your DNA genotyped raw data for not cost. Included is full access to their DNA tools forever.

If your ancestry is colonial American it probably duplicates AncestryDNA’s service. However, if your recent ancestors were immigrants from the old country then MyHeritage may connect you to cousins in said old country that AncestryDNA probably won’t do, as MyHeritage has much more of a global mix of customers than AncestryDNA.