
George Will's Climate Change Column, Part 3

Racer X2/27/2009 12:29:37 pm PST

re: #34 Shr_Nfr

I doubt it. But its harder to say what the true extent of the ice was in 1979. I suppose folks could hunt through the old SCAMS (SCAnning Microwave Spectrometer) dataset to get an apples to apples comparison with the present MSU dataset, but I doubt anyone will.

See, thats the whole thing isn’t it? Global Warming has become so politicized that you can get whatever data you want.

Bigger picture - should the doom and gloomers who follow alGore be correct, it would take drastic changes by the entire planet to make any impact at all.

You can drive a Prius and buy a bunch of Carbon Offset Credits to make yourself feel good, but your ass is gonna get warm (or cold) no matter what.