
ADL Opposes Park51 Community Center

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/30/2010 3:46:21 pm PDT

re: #356 marjoriemoon

Afternoon all.

The ADL is a fair organization set up to stop the defamation of Jews, but also religious bigotry of any kind. They certainly speak out against anti-Muslim bigotry.

ADL Asks Judge to Reconsider Contempt Citation for Muslim Woman Wearing Head Scarf in Court
ADL Statement on Dennis Prager’s Attack On Muslim Congressman for Taking Oath of Office on Koran
ADL Honors Tunisian Muslim For Protecting Jews From The Nazis During The Holocaust
ADL Condemns Congressman Tancredo’s Repeated Anti-Muslim Threats
ADL Condemns Hate Crime Against Pakistani Muslim In Brooklyn
The ADL rarely gets a fair shake by Republicans. Maybe this is the reason. That they have the “audacity” to support Muslims, any Muslim. The truth is, they strive for even-handedness. I say this because it would be wrong to assume the ADL’s stand on the community center has something to do with Muslim bigotry nor should it be proof that they have joined the wingut bandwagon on this issue. It doesn’t and they haven’t. It’s about sensitivity. Well, that’s what they say and I have to believe them.

I’m a little torn on the issue, personally. I’m actually leaning towards the idea of forming better relations with non-Muslims, but I can’t stop by feel trepidation about the whole thing.

This is an excellent post. In general, the ADL is an honorable organization. However, this time, I can only feel the deepest regret and outrage that they betrayed their own principles with this so badly while representing my people.