
The 2014 Republican Leadership Conference Summed Up in One Image

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/31/2014 5:29:50 am PDT

re: #352 Justanotherhuman

Direct him thither:

What he heard is yet another version of the Erick Von Daniken nonsense about ancient astronauts bringing advanced tech to the Egyptians and other big builders, because such primitive people (in his words) could never have built those pyramids with their level of technology. Also, the stones at Stonehenge were levitated into place by the druids, or something.

When I taught high school physics, I got into a long and I hope fruitful discussion with a student who had seen a TV show about the moon landing hoax. I had to painstakingly point out the scientific (actually, the sensible) explanation for every bit of nonsense he had heard.