
Watch Live: Democratic Debate, South Carolina

Dangerman2/26/2020 8:05:30 am PST

re: #398 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I do trust Bloomberg more than most since I don’t think he’s a fanatic and I think we need a President and not an ideologue. A lot will depend on South Carolina and I’m feeling good about SC for Joe. What it means for Big Tuesday, I don’t know yet. I do know this. I think Joe’s more likable than Bloomberg is and better at the retail politics stuff that could give him the edge. However, I do think Bloomberg is savvy at ads and I wouldn’t mind that against Trump.

think back to just over a year ago
everyone’s a great candidate with hope and promise and ‘yeah, i can see her/him as president’ till they actually begin campaigning