
Ben Stein Withdraws As UVM Commencement Speaker

traderjoe92/03/2009 10:47:37 pm PST

In a class, a group of children circle around Little Moise, and decide to, once more, do the traditional big-small coin joke that they seemingly play on Moishe every day; snickering, one of the kids lays out on his palm two coins: A 10 shekel coin, and a much larger 5 shekel coin. Then, the child ask Moishe to take one of the coins, and Moishe proceeds to choose the 5 shekel coin. Laughing hysterically, the rest of the class runs away as the teacher approaches little Moishe.

“Moishe, why didn’t you take the 10 shekel coin? Its smaller than the 5 shekel coin, but it is worth more!” To which Moise responds:

“But if I took the 10 shekel coin, they would stop giving me money.”