
John Oliver on Local News and the Plague of Sponsored Content

Jay C5/24/2021 11:54:56 am PDT

re: #34 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

And Iā€™mā€¦The Duke Ofā€¦Earlā€¦

And, according to her family lore, one of my best friends is the Queen of Portugal!*

And isnā€™t ā€œPope Michaelā€ just one of a bunch of would-be ā€œalt-Popesā€? - mostly in Europe - who all claim that somehow or other Papal elections since whenever have been flawed in some imagined manner so that the guys whoā€™ve been wearing the white yarmulke in the Vatican (Karol Woytyla, Jorge Bergoglio, etc.) arenā€™t really legitimate? Iā€™m surprised Pope Mike has as many as thirty fools adherentsā€¦..

*Or would be, if the 300 or so people ahead of her on the list of succession sudden all died. And if Portugal still had a Queen.