
Announcing: Little Green Linkage

Randall Gross4/23/2010 2:41:14 pm PDT

I’m gonna pull out my soapbox and pontificate a while about spinoffs, feel free to offer your own opinions or to ignore this entirely, but here are a few of my pet peeves :

Users who file everything, no matter what, under one category. Different Categories are there for a reason, use ‘em.

Users who go overly hyperbolic when retyping the headline. A little snark is always welcome in the blogosphere, a lot is clicking it up too many notches for spinoff links which should be informative, not agit prop.

If the website has gold ads, homeopathy ads, and craziness every other post you might want to find another source for the story… (or what KT just said - bogus isn’t owned by one political wing either it’s a shared attribute amongst extremists and fringers)