
Watch Live: Democratic Debate, South Carolina

lawhawk2/26/2020 8:26:01 am PST

Leave it to Jim Hoft to claim that the CDC statement that ran counter to Trump’s take that everything is under control is entirely due to fact that the CDC head is a relative to Rod Rosenstein.

Ummm… GOPers?! Rosenstein is a Republican. Previously appointed by Trump as DAG before Rosenstein tried holding Trumpworld accountable for the criminal conduct of everyone associated with his campaign.

These fuckers eat their own and don’t care about facts. Or logic.

The CDC isn’t run by Rosenstein’s sister. She’s head of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control. She’s an expert on this kind of thing. All these other know nothings are conspiracy nuts pushing bulkshit to protect cult of Trump.