
Exquisite: Imogen Heap Live on NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concert [VIDEO]

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/29/2019 3:06:47 pm PDT

re: #38 Deep State SuperElite Satinist

That’s pretty much the opposite of what the Bible says.

Depends on what part of the Bible you read. The Bible justifies genocide in the name of God.

For example, Exodus 21 is pretty clear on who you can enslave, for how long, what punishment you get for mistreating a slave (none if he doesn’t die within a few days), how you can hand them down as your property, &c.

The New Testament tells slaves to obey their masters, even the cruel ones.

And most Christians believe that the Bible is either handed down by God or inspired by him.

When you try to get the majority to explain that bit on slavery, they will hem, haw, claim it was a different time, it was really indentured servitude (which itself is immoral), it wasn’t the same as antebellum slavery in Dixie (it absolutely was), &c.

Those deflections don’t just come from fundamentalists either. I have yet to hear a Christian say “the Bible is wrong, slavery is immoral.” In fact, many fundamentalists are fine with slavery.