
The 2014 Republican Leadership Conference Summed Up in One Image

Birth Control Works5/31/2014 5:55:15 am PDT

re: #416 wheat-dogghazi

Sorry to hear about your BIL. They might be able to treat the cancer in the liver, but the chemo will be very aggressive. He’s gonna feel like shit during those treatments.

My student here who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma last summer is doing well. Her chemo sessions were about three weeks apart, but her doctors think they’ve got the cancer under control, so she may not need chemo for several weeks at least. Here’s a photo of her now. She wanted to show me her “new look.”
Carla is 24, by the way.

She’s beautiful!

He has a lot of support and good insurance (sad to have to say that). He is a realist, but a fighter. Has been very healthy all his life. He’s one I never thought would get really ill.