
Samantha Bee: The Mooch Will Set Trump Free

Jay C7/30/2017 11:33:01 am PDT

re: #391 MsJ

Trump himself appears to be somewhat illiterate. Perhaps it’s early onset dementia but I don’t think reading is a strong suit.

OK, and as long as we’re doing long-distance armchair analysis, I’m guessing his core problem might be related to some form of dyslexia or other.
Donald seems to have no problem dealing with numbers, or with concepts*; it just seems like dealing with them put down in written form is some level of hurdle for him to have to get over.
Didn’t we read somewhere that Trump’s Daily Briefings were meant, ideally, to be short (like 3-pages short), simply worded, widely spaced, and preferably typed in capitals?
Doesn’t sound to me like someone who is used to, or comfortable, with any sort of “reading” in any fashion. And maybe that explains his fascination with communicating via Twitter - with a 140-character limit, you’re forced to keep things short-and-simple. Of course, it being that he’s POTUS, it comes out short-and-simpleminded: but there we go…

*IMO, anyway, it doesn’t make him any less of an avaricious, malignant narcissist: just a dyslexic one.