
Don't Drill, Baby, Don't Drill

iceweasel3/31/2010 12:36:34 pm PDT

Bush Official Dan Bartlett Admits Authorizing Offshore Oil Drilling Will Be Unlikely To Win Over Any GOP Votes

During an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, former Bush official Dan Bartlett said that the move is unlikely to get any Republican votes for an energy bill. While saying that he thinks it is a “shrewd move” that will “demonstrate…that the Democratic Party doesn’t just cater to the extreme aspects of their base,” Bartlett conceded that it will likely not win any Republican votes because “Republicans have made a calculation that cooperating with this administration at this time is not necessary for them to pick up seats“:

BARTLETT: This is a shrewd move by the White House this announcment they’re doing on energy and offshore oil drilling. … These are the things they need to demonstrate to their constituents that the Democratic Party does not just cater to the extreme aspects of their base … Now, do I think that this measure here will help grease the path for a climate change bill and bring Republicans on board? No. Republicans in the Congress have made a calculation that cooperating with this administration at this time is not necessary for them to pick up seats. So if this is more of a legislative maneuever in order to get a broader bill on climate change, unfortunately this is going to come up short.

Update Sarah Palin responds with a pair of tweets. In the first, she writes, “Drill, baby, drill.” In the second, she praises Boehner’s response and admonishes Obama for trying to win over conservative votes for an energy overhaul

And my favourite so far:

Update Newt Gingrich told the St. Petersburg Times that while he likes the idea of drilling, he thinks Obama is doing it too late. “If he’s going to announce he’s for drilling, he should announce that we’re drilling now. I don’t think the people want a party of manana,” Gingrich said.

There isn’t anything Obama can do that the GOP won’t attack, and the GOP doesn’t give a shit about the country—only about getting and keeping seats, and blocking every single thing Obama does. I think we can cal them the Party of No: No Ideas, No Class, No Integrity, and No Fucking Way.