
Fired Occupy Antisemitic Teacher - New Video

Samson10/24/2011 8:51:59 pm PDT

re: #40 Bob Levin

Bob, I’m not sure what your fascination is with how I came up with the 2:37 of the video, but I just Googled the obvious terms along with YouTube. I found it and several other posts of the 2:37 version on YouTube, of which I viewed and posted the first one on the list. I did not notice that this was posted or linked to the “YouCruising” website, which I had never heard of before in any case and, at least based on the name, would never have guessed that it contained political content of the type already discussed. I have already acknowledged and apologized for this, and if at all possible, would like to drop the subject.

With all due respect to Charles, I don’t think there is anything to be gained by reposting all the various versions of these videos yet again. While I would agree with you that there is a genuine Rashomon flavor to this story, Kurosawa this is not, as I think you will agree. Especially for anyone who has never seen the film, I think the time would be much better spent watching it than reviewing and comparing the multiple versions of this incident.

Last but not least, Charles queried if I was the “same “Samson” that frequently gets hat tips from Pamela Geller?” I have never posted anything on her website, but I wondered if something posted somewhere else might have turned up there with a hat tip to me. So I looked, and there are a few posts by someone who calls him (or her) self “Samson”, but to the best of my knowledge they are not mine directly or indirectly. So it looks like there is at least one other Samson in our blogosphere.