
Saturday Night Mahi-Mahi Open

Birth Control Works2/27/2011 8:43:38 am PST

Soaring Food Prices Hit Poor Countries, Spur Farmers

Greg Westland produces hard red spring wheat and soybeans on about 5,600 acres in Cando, N.D. The snow is still deep in North Dakota, but Westland is preparing for planting, spending days in his shop with his sons, prepping equipment. The very high prices have convinced him to try to boost the number of bushels he produces per acre.

“We’re adding more fertilizer, shooting for a 60-bushel hard red spring wheat crop up here and a 42-to-45-bushel soybean crop,” Westland says.

Those yields would be about 20 percent above average. Cargill’s Page says his company’s brisk fertilizer and seed sales indicate that farmers are responding.

Do the Organic All Natural non-GMO Food Whackos understand that we can’t feed everybody without Science.