
Video: Foo Fighters, 'Rope'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/29/2011 4:04:10 am PDT

The society blowhard CBS has advising Couric just lied. He said that Prince William (with the rest of the party), while back in the shrine of Edward the Confessor, was surrounded by his (William’s) ancestors.

But…. William is of the House of Windsor, and William’s ancestors from the time of Edward the Confessor are in… Germany (though of course the royal families are interbred all through Europe so yes he probably has some ancestry there.) And, the Prince Phillip is himself from mixed lineage that ruled over various nations in Europe. So it is unlikely that William’s Y chromosome has anything to do with Edward the Confessor and so on.

It just struck me as a bit of historical revisionism.