
New From The Lemon Twigs: "A Dream Is All I Know"

Jay C3/17/2024 12:56:24 pm PDT

re: #34 ckkatz

For those who need a break from doomscrolling, here are some points of good news:

1. Cystic Fibrosis
The Cystic-Fibrosis Breakthrough That Changed Everything

2. Food Allergies

3. Malaria Vaccine

Nearly 10 000 children vaccinated as malaria vaccine rollout in Africa expands

Interesting point about your #3: despite the disgusting xenophobic crap so many of our anti-Immigration obsessives like to bray about “disease-ridden” incomers from “plague-infested” Third World countries, would-be immigrants even from poor and backward nations are likelier to have been vaccinated against common diseases than many “advanced” Americans. Maybe because they don’t get Newsmax in Burkina Faso…