
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): We're Not Afraid of a Shutdown

Mattand9/30/2013 9:34:10 am PDT

re: #426 ObserverArt

I’ve been saying much the same. They have learned they can outright lie to the people that want them to tell them lies and it isn’t going to change until enough of America that has brains grows sick and tired and starts jettisoning Republicans from their offices. Just like a child, you have a window to teach them what is what or you allow them to get away with murder and you have a brat you have to live with forever. We are in that window and if the Republicans don’t start getting some discipline from the American public brats like Cruz is what the future will be. Actions need consequences. I’m not seeing consequences yet and that is scary.

I got reamed out for saying this a few weeks back, although in a much more blunt way. It’s why I just laugh and shake my head at this “The GOP really fucked up this time, they’re toast” meme.

The last time these mouth-breathing choads shut down the government, within 6 years they had control of the Executive and Legislative branches.

Stop and think about that for a minute: the American public said “Hey, you know those guys who shut down the government and made everyone’s life miserable? The ones who want to work in government so they can destroy it from within? They seem nice.”

The Republicans have had a major part in every economic disaster visited on this nation over the last 30 years, and Americans keep voting them in to run the fucking country.

You’re right, Observer Art. There have been almost no consequences for their actions. I don’t see that changing any time soon.