
What About Some Liberal Cuts To Government Spending?

The Ghost of a Flea11/28/2012 9:27:02 am PST

Beck’s ‘Obama in Pee Pee’ Masterpiece Bid Up to Nearly $12K on eBay Before Disappearing

Glenn Beck opened his program last night with a long segment responding to the recent controversy over a a painting that depicts President Obama in a Christ-like pose and wearing a crown of thorns that has gone on display at Boston’s Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery.

Beck began by pretending to be a snooty art critic taking shots at several paintings he disliked by artists like Jackson Pollock, Vincent Van Gogh, and Peter Paul Rubens, before switching over a French artist character who went around “correcting” these paintings by covering up the nudity they contained or simply painting over them, all in order to make the point that the Constitution protects free expression and that while people are entirely free to get offended by certain works of art, they just have to learn to accept that as the price of freedom … which he proceeded to demonstrate by submerging a bobblehead of President Obama in a mason jar supposedly filled with urine:

As a piece of performance art, it was all mildly entertaining, but the most interesting thing about it is that one of the underlying themes of the segment was how all of these piece of art, which he considers to be “crap,” have sold for millions of dollars while he couldn’t understand why people would waste good money on things like this.

So, of course, Beck has now put all of his own pieces up for sale on eBay, with the proceeds benefiting his Mercury One “Hope for the Holidays” charity effort, incuding his pice de rsistance, “Obama in Pee Pee,” which had been bid up to nearly $12,000 … before it suddenly disappeared from eBay:

UPDATE: Beck reports that the item was removed by eBay for violating the site’s ban on “the sale of bodily waste.”