
Video: Georgia Prosecutor Investigating Trump Says Charges 'Ready to Go'

No Malarkey!7/31/2023 11:20:46 am PDT

re: #34 lawhawk

Assumes facts not in evidence - namely that there are people of dignity or principle that wouldn’t be his running mate. The entire GOP has devolved into this fascist cult of personality, and they’ll say/do anything to gain power.

Heck, Trump sought the murder/death of two people currently running against Trump and only one of them is actually calling Trump out for it - Christie. Pence can’t bring himself to criticize the guy who incited an armed insurrection to storm the Capitol to force Pence to throw the election to Trump - knowing Trump lost the certified results.

I agree. But I think most will realize that a felon is going to lose the election badly, so the ones who want to be viable in 2028 will stay far away from the train wreck that will be the Trump Campaign. They will all endorse him, of course.