
Wikileaks: Saudi Arabia Urged US to Attack Iran

Usually refered to as anyways11/29/2010 2:09:41 pm PST

re: #456 marjoriemoon

Oof was the apology from me?? I thought it was over the Middle East, which is were I tend to get the crankiest.

Oh I understand intimidation. I don’t post much really (check out my stats). It took me awhile to get my feet wet here, but that was a different time, I guess.

No, you shouldn’t have sock puppets, but if you never posted at all, I don’t think a new nic would be a problem.

The funny thing is they aren’t pulling anything over on Charles. They THINK they are. He plays with them like a cat with a little mousie.

Sorry Marjorie if I left you with the feeling I was talking about you, I was not.

Yes it was over the middle east, you were defending a friend who I believe you thought I was having a shot at. You probably felt I was being harsh, I apologized to you.

I was actually returning a line that had been delivered to me (unfairly) the day before.

Honestly. its no biggy, if I make an error, or misjudge a person’s character or intent I will apologize.

I have to accept not all people can do that.