
Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

allegro5/28/2015 8:40:48 am PDT

re: #457 ObserverArt

Is it just me, or is Teddy beginning to get less and less coverage? Seems like his bombastic rhetoric is just falling flat when he is just another one of the crazies running for President. Too many nuts in the jar and they all start to look and sound the same.

I guess that means he will ramp up the nuttiness to a higher level. And I would almost imagine he is paying attention to one Rand Paul and how to stand out from the maddening crowd. I look at him to soon start to attack the GOP establishment and even his own past stances.

Stand by.

A couple of days ago Mayor Annise had a press conference about the flooding in Houston, about the current conditions, damage, resources available, where and how people could get help, etc. As always she was terrific, concise, practical and helpful. So then here comes Gov Abbott with a bunch of platitudes about how his heart goes out to all the Texans who have been hurt, blah blah. Then I see fucking Cruz standing there. Annise had to be choking back bile as she introduced him to speak. I think I listened to his whiny voice for about 15 seconds before hitting the blessed mute button. Yeah, he’s desperate to get his face anywhere in front of a camera.