
The Supreme Court Is Now Poised to Fall Into Right Wing Control for Decades

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion6/27/2018 5:07:34 pm PDT

re: #333 Brian J.

And I like Hillary Clinton, which means Iā€™m pretty much alone here

What color is the sky on your world? This site has the fewest BernieBros of any place I read.

Most people, whether they liked her or not, supported Hillary even before the nomination. I supported her most of the election cycle because every time Bernie opened his mouth he rubbed me the wrong way.

I never really ā€œlikedā€ Hillary, but when it really came down to it, the only thing I could put my finger on was hating her speaking voice, and her apparent lack of knowledge about the fact that when you have a microphone and a PA, you donā€™t need to fucking scream.

That wasnā€™t enough of a reason to throw away a vote and contribute to the rise of Ilā€™Douche Fuckface von Clownstick.

So you might be alone in ā€œlikingā€ Hillary, but you werenā€™t alone in being OK with her and supporting her.