
Overnight Open Thread

Guanxi885/30/2010 10:10:36 am PDT

re: #466 Stanley Sea

Yep, my friend teaches at an ESL school. Those folks just stay once it expires.

In all fairness, we need to go after all the nannies here from Europe on expired visas. I’ve met probably 5 in my day.

Also the Canadians who’s (this was a long time ago, so I’m not sure if it’s the same) Canadian ID is the same # of digits as our SS. These friends just changed where the dashes are. They’re still here.

Expired visas are the real weak-point in our system, seems to me. I’ve not yet figured out a way around the problem - not that I’m some expert - but it’s just so darned easy to come here and to stay if you’re so inclined.