
Wikileaks: Saudi Arabia Urged US to Attack Iran

Usually refered to as anyways11/29/2010 2:16:10 pm PST

re: #462 marjoriemoon

My sun is in Aquarius. I have a Scorpio raising and Scorpio moon. Most of the rest of my chart sits in Aquarius (7 other planets). That means, for one thing, I’m all about holding grudges LOL

In real life, when my family upsets me, I just pretend it didn’t happen. Really not too healthy, I suppose, but I don’t want to hold a grudge against my family and it’s so natural for me to go there.

A member of my family was married for 15 years to a rage-a-holic. He ruined every holiday dinner and every vacation we had for those 15 years. I said nothing to my family member. Well, once I said something with the caveat that I’ll never speak it again and I didn’t. It was her decision to stay with him, not mine. Eventually she left him. It’s not easy to love someone like that, but I just tried to focus my attention on her not him.

Fortunately we get to choose friends. Family, not so much.

I’m now wondering if we are related, because you are describing my step father.