
Video: Four Million Suns in a Black Hole over New York

gwangung3/19/2024 11:51:10 pm PDT

re: #44 piratedan

He’s a terrific actor, so perhaps if you did Cryoburn or Lord Vorpatril’s Alliance first… although the latter is really a vehicle for Ivan…

Still, the storytelling and the actual agency that the characters own, I.e. the whole actions have consequences, that leads to the threads being so rich and robust. I really enjoy that wisdom is earned by the characters.

The gravitas he now carries makes him appropriate for those two books and Gentleman Jole, but those are the three books where he’s a supporting character.

The early books are action adventure, and form the building blocks for the middle blocks, where you get that wisdom won (i.e., Miles grows up)(and falls in love and…). And that’s kind of a young man’s role….