
Overnight Ocean Thread

shutdown10/30/2009 10:29:54 am PDT

re: #463 Racer X

And we will all have rainbows and ponies and …


The GOP, like pretty much everyone, is all for health care change. They are just extremely vocal about:

1. How much will it cost?
2. Will it make things better, or worse?

Caution is warranted. The first health care bill was a joke. The latest one is even more of a joke. It is too frickin huge! A better approach might be to do this in smaller chunks of legislation.

I am far more cynical than you. As far as I can tell, the GOP, like everyone else, is all for getting re-elected so they can continue to dole out patronage dollars and jobs to the folks who got them elected in the first place. Talk about iterative loops.