
Video: Teens React to Rick Perry's Anti-Gay Ad 'Strong'

Gus12/31/2011 11:26:32 am PST

re: #470 Killgore Trout

I’ve just come to accept it. Lots of seething and hatred in the comments on that thread too. Even here I’ve pretty much stopped discussing the Iraq war too much. I wasn’t in favor of it but the debate has become too bogged down in half truths, lies, misinformation and rigid ideology. A realistic conversation about Iraq has become pretty much impossible.

It’s sort of enjoyable sometimes watching a bunch of so called secular progressives think and act as though they were either the Pope or some kind of God. “He has blood on his hands!” Some of them were actually worse in their response to his death than were his former religious opponents. You know how the never ending babble from the moralizing crunchy emoprog George Galloway fan base can get.