
Announcing: Little Green Linkage

Randall Gross4/23/2010 2:56:37 pm PDT

Sites we just don’t link to period.
(Charles, please fix if I get any of these guesses wrong)

If you absolutely must then use the google cache link and file it under either “wingnuts” or “moonbats”.

Note: stalker sites will not be named, and even the cache link to those usually gets deleted from my observations)

Atlas shrugs/GoV/Brussels Journal/Jihad Watch axis (and I really mean AXIS) sites. If you are in doubt, check the blogroll of the site you are linking from … you will find the same blogbling and sites listed among most of those.

Big(dot) anything from Breitbart. Since is still in sidebar, I assume straight news links from there are still ok.

Stormfront and other hate sites like Stormfront. There’s a spectrum out there from the hardcore to the lightweight (Hit and Run and Hot Air end up at the Lightweight end, while Stormfront and Rense etc. are at the heavyweight racist end with Lew Rockwell, VDARE Takimag, Chronicles etc in between.)

Hard core Islamist and radical Jihadi sites, the list of terror groups here is way to long to name them all, but they are all easy to recognize.

Sex and porn sites — on softcore use the rule: if you can’t watch it at work then don’t link it here without NSFW forewarning.