
We Got Some Seriously Deranged Mail

Timothy Watson1/28/2015 10:49:41 am PST

re: #470 Aunty Entity Dragon

Has anybody had an experience on twitter trying to talk to some of the more radical academic feminist types who demand you observe certain unspecified boundaries??

I just had a bizarre conversation (if you can call it that) with a deeply unpleasant person named Mikki Kendall (Michelle Goldberg at The Nation had a few obervations about her…not good) who promptly comlained I violated her boundaries and muted me for observing that maybe we can forgive Benedict Cumberbatch for his verbal miscue, and that by association we should not automatically assume malevolent intent from other people if they say something we don’t like.

Holy shit.

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If an American used the term “colo[u]red”, I would have serious problems with it. A Brit? Not sure, but I’m willing to give a bit more leeway.