
Friday Night Blues: Joe Bonamassa, "Never Make Your Move Too Soon"

Nerdy Fish10/01/2016 1:21:47 pm PDT

Afternoon Lizardim from the incredibly gorgeous wild north country. It is a perfect day today, so I thought I’d spend it out in Mrs. Fish’s big brown Lincoln, enjoying the new repairs. Ahahaha, NOPE. Apparently, the misery of the rest of my week has spread to my garage, as well; the ol’ beastie broke down at exactly the wrong spot, requiring a tow home literally a measly 1/4 mile. She’s resting now while I prepare to acquire replacement parts to get her up and going again. In other news, work has been a series of unfortunate events, starting with my clients visiting the new office space and ending with a dumpster-fire of a production deployment that required back-to-back emergency hotfixes, and I’m not even sure it’s entirely stable (and won’t know until Monday morning). I’m ready for a break. From life. How go things among the lizardfolk on this picture-perfect fall Saturday afternoon?