
Karl Rove: Republicans Are Looking at Up to 450 Data Points About Each US Household

Kragar6/28/2013 10:47:45 am PDT

Woman jailed for late-night water purchase after anti-sexual assault rally

A University of Virginia student was arrested on multiple felony charges and spent 24 hours in jail after she tried to flee a grocery store parking lot when agents attempted to arrest her for buying a case of La Croix water. According to the Charlottesville Daily Progress, 20-year-old Elizabeth Daly and her two roommates panicked when plainclothes Alcoholic Beverage Control officers surrounded their vehicle, flashing badges and weapons because the officers believed the women had purchased beer during dry hours.

On Sunday night, April 11, around 10:30 p.m., Daly and her friends left a Charlottesville, Virginia Harris Teeter store carrying cookie dough, ice cream and a case of bottled water. As they reached the vehicle, ABC agents surrounded them, one even jumping on to the hood of Daly’s SUV. They showed badges, shouting at the women to exit the vehicle. One agent drew a gun.

Daly and the other passengers had just come from a “Take Back the Night” event on campus, where they heard the testimonies of dozens of survivors of sexual assaults and other violent attacks. With the details of those crimes fresh in their minds, the women believed that their safety was in danger.

Dry hours? An office of Alcohol control? What kind of prohibition horse shit is this? I hope the girls sue the fuck out of these bastards for wrongful arrest.