
Gorgeous Animated Short Film of the Day: 'Rocketboy'

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈12/31/2014 7:14:06 am PST

re: #490 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Speaking of biochemistry, I would love someday to know how tissues can tell the diff between Na and K. Chemically, they’re very nearly identical. K is slightly more reactive than Na, but Na is no slouch, either. If I were the cell membrane, I would be like “Hey, they’re both +1 charges, what’s the problem dude?”

Can’t help with that, but I have another suggestion for you. Video Games. When I was at my worst, and just wanted to be dead, I could shut out the emotional pain by really immersing myself in a video game. For me it was Mass Effect 2, which was a big game at the time.