
Tech Note: Saving Images for the Web

Rightwingconspirator11/13/2012 6:23:39 am PST

Thanks for your efforts here. I think resolution is worth mentioning as we try to get to “retina display” quality. If I read correctly that’s a resolution of about 3k as opposed to 1080 or 1k resolution.

What that means to me as a photog is I have to do all my imaging in camera raw, and archive that for later use. Bye bye 72 dpi Not gonna miss ya. It looks to me like 300 dpi is where the web is going, aka “print” quality. That means lots of space for images. Each image for me is 25 megs. Some pro cameras double that. We have to archive those, then be ready to size down for the web. 100k images are not gonna cut it any larger than a small logo.

Webmaster and photographers are going to fill up the largest drives fast. But as CJ has shown us here, we can put up some beautiful images at a good size for viewing at 400k or less.