
How to Get Banned From LGF

ausador12/29/2009 11:52:23 pm PST

re: #445 JasonA

I’m not brave to go all Avatar and try to assimilate. I took a glance at their front page and instantly remembered why I’m an atheist.

You would probably like this site then…

It is called “Fundies Say The Darndest Things” and the members collect and quote the most ridiculous posts from sites like rapture ready, free republic, etc, etc… You can also comment on each quote, and a lot of the comments are really hilarious. They also have a conspiracy theorist and a racist section, CSTDT and RSTDT.

I’m Christian and I still like the place in small doses, some of the people claiming to be Christians who get quoted there are completely nuts, but then thats the point isn’t it?