
The Overnight Supreme Court Open Thread

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)6/28/2012 8:47:35 am PDT

re: #495 Talking Point Detective

I think there will be no full solution along with fee for service - but this law helps a lot of people, and in particular people who need help the most.

That’s the bottom line.

I think the necessary solution is going to eventually be universal coverage via the government in some form. This gets us out of the mess with coverage being restricted/denied due to “religious belief”, profit-making priorities, etc. Rolling this step back would have left the current mess in place for another decade (at least) with the additional labor friction over who will pay for the increasing costs as real wages stay stagnant, plus the ongoing issue with the non-insured.

Unless, of course, our society is going to switch gears and be very willing to see corpses lying in the streets and refusing access to care to those without the ways and means to afford it directly.