
Onion: Breaking News

Dark_Falcon3/09/2010 9:35:18 pm PST

re: #511 austin_blue

A bit over the top, there, DF. Obama’s agenda has been stalled by D’s, by and large, rather than R’s. And it is because of fear of doing the right thing versus lobbyist threats to potential opponents in their next election cycle and special interest dollars to those R’s.

It’s institutional inertia in DC, and it is totally money driven. Nothing is related to the Social Contract anymore, and it is a cancer in the land.

It’s not only money now, though it was at one time. Right now, there is a good bit of opposition to much of Obama’s agenda. Many Congresscritters are going to want to take an anti-Washington tone and mount the populist bandwagon. Heck, with his attacks on Health Insurance companies (not saying that they are justified or unjustified, only that they are attacks) he’s using the populist game plan himself.