
As Expected, Trump Defends White Supremacist Charged With 1st Degree Murder of Protesters [VIDEO]

Nojay UK9/01/2020 10:54:46 am PDT

re: #496 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Maggie had a healthy disdain for woo-woo and conspiracy types, possibly because she studied chemistry at college rather than politics. She was PM during the first serious outbreaks of HIV in the 80s and did not duck the threat or rely on “thoughts and prayers” like the Reagan Administration did in the early days.

Public Information Film - Aids 1986

That’s a public information film, basically a government-made TV advert, that ran on all TV channels regularly in 1986. There were others, equally sombre and clear on the threat of HIV as well as leaflets, needle exchanges for drug addicts, training for doctors and health professionals etc. They did make mistakes (blood donations, for example) but they didn’t go golfing and pretend it would all go away in time because reasons.