
Video: Why the Right Is So Dishonest About American History

Captain Magic11/26/2017 7:32:53 am PST

re: #37 jaunte

And this snippet from her article is the giveaway:

But somewhere along the way we’ve gotten confused on the hierarchy of things. We had good intentions when in the 80s we founded the Moral Majority to harness the power of Christian voters and increase impact on government, in the hope of shaping our culture. But two distinct problems have emerged: political investment has yielded almost no discernible positive impact on our culture (look at the stats—we’re actually going backward), and the focus on the effort has distracted us from our real calling, which is to deliver the gospel message to the lost so that they might be saved.

Sorry to tell you, but not only have The United States not gone backwards, but that Jesus Christ himself would be leading the charge if the came back looking like Charles Bronson…