
Saturday Night Open

Charles Johnson10/30/2011 10:08:39 am PDT

re: #216 000G

Heh. There’s a couple of mine that are hidden that I cannot reopen. I guess they got tossed by moderators. No idea why, though. Maybe I deleted them myself?:

233237 hidden parliamentfights — watching parliaments fights worldwide Blogosphere 2010-12-22 10:05:07 0 222 0
233221 hidden Deutsche Bank Pays $553.6 Million Fine in Tax Scam US News 2010-12-22 06:57:03 0 4 0
233220 hidden CIA Launches Task Force to Assess Impact of U.S. Cables’ Exposure by WikiLeaks US News

Yes, you hid those Pages yourself. The reason you entered for hiding the “parliament” Page was “old, dumb.”

You couldn’t reopen them because there was a bug — it will work now.