
The 2014 Republican Leadership Conference Summed Up in One Image

ObserverArt5/31/2014 8:53:42 am PDT

So, ever since I saw the Open Carry Gun in Store Guy something about him seemed so familiar. That is one of the reasons I thought I remembered his image when I saw the one of the two guys in the Home Depot earlier in this thread. Then I found the image I put up later saying I found the one I had seen earlier.

But something about it still reminded me of another image. And then Sergey typed one word in a response this morning that triggered it all.

That word was DEVOlution.

And so I have joined the two…the reminded image and the Open Carry Gun Guy.

Are We Not Men? Not If We Don’t Have Guns!

And I also ended up doing a bit of searching for who seems to be the main dude in the Texas Open Carry Gun Demonstration/Protests

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Mr. Kory Watkins -

Texans for Kory Watkins - Liberty Republican for U.S. Congress