
Gorgeous Animated Short Film of the Day: 'Rocketboy'

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/31/2014 8:06:12 am PST

re: #526 Dark_Falcon

Which is why I’ve come to dislike Sean Hannity. To quote Al Pacino’s mayor of New York in the movie City Hall, my view of Congress is that “All this is about is getting things done!”. Congress is supposed to set out the federal budget, pass needed laws, and oversee federal agencies to make sure they do their jobs right. It doesn’t exist to take moral stands or to wage prolonged ideological sieges.

Hannity seems to think it is the job of Congress to lead an uprising against President Obama. but that is not the job of Congress and John Boehner and Mitch McConnell know it. But Hannitty cares nothing for their practical concerns and instead cares only about riling up his viewing base.

Well he’s typical of the many talk radio show hosts that your party panders to. Hannity wouldn’t last a day in the real world if not for wingnut welfare.