
Radiohead: Lotus Flower

Birth Control Works2/28/2011 10:06:06 pm PST

re: #523 palomino

I can’t answer for him, but it seems a little ass-backwards to ask for concessions from the middle class while giving more tax breaks to people who make $159 million a year.

Can we figure out how much this person actually takes home? What percent goes to taxes? Federal, state etc. This person has a different expense level as well. He/she can’t be seen driving a chevy. Country Club memberships are a must …. I’m not joking. Work get’s done at the Club, on the golf course etc. Benefits dinners at 20K a plate, the wife’s dress, hair and jewels. and on and one.

Dinner’s out, tips, they all add-up. As does paying cash for your kid’s Ivy League education.

How many people have jobs because this CEO is living the life he/she is?

I’m not defending outrageous salaries, I’m trying to put things in perspective.

It’s a lifestyle that comes with the job, it’s not always choice.

I just wish the pompous attitude didn’t come with it as well.