
Wingnut Fail of the Day: Bill Ayers 'Admits' He Wrote Obama's Autobiography

Killgore Trout3/28/2011 12:07:55 pm PDT

From Infowars….

Liberal media hacks seem to share a bizarre collective hang-up about Matt Drudge linking to Infowars, as if it’s some kind of dirty secret. A few weeks ago, the Obama administration media front group Think Progress sent out a tweet admonishing Drudge for having the temerity to post an Infowars story on his website. Not to be outdone, neo-con blogs like Little Green Footballs also routinely throw tantrums when Drudge sends traffic to Alex Jones’ websites. The more these hacks throw their toys out of the pram, the more Drudge seems to link to us. Please keep complaining about it.

Hagan, Think Progress, LGF, Media Matters et al have all but abandoned hard news in favor of jealously whining about Alex Jones’ growing audience. These hacks cannot tolerate a free marketplace of ideas, so they have to try and strangle independent voices. It would be tragic if it were not so dangerous.
