
Herman Cain Accused of 'Sexually Suggestive Behavior'

Killgore Trout10/31/2011 7:34:04 am PDT

Noise, drugs and filth from hippies drive homeless protesters from OWS camp.
Occupy Portland expands to Terry Schrunk Plaza

Moilanen said he and the other campers agree with Occupy Portland’s message but they were growing disenchanted with conditions at the encampments at Chapman and Lownsdale squares.

Hasan Cross, 32, who is homeless, said drugs and alcohol are rampant among the homeless and that those conditions made the encampment a difficult place to stay. “This is not the message we are trying to convey,” he said of substance abuse among campers at the main encampment. As he spoke, Moilanen pointed out multiple large rats darting around the federal plaza in predawn darkness.

Portland police said they got several reports about noise disturbances at the main encampments early this morning.