
The Ultimate Guitar Duel: Eric Gales vs. Joe Bonamassa, "I Want My Crown"

Targetpractice11/01/2021 2:14:40 am PDT

re: #53 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

In U.S., Far More Support Than Oppose Separation of Church and State (Pew Research, October 28)

The overwhelming majority of Americans in their survey do not believe that the USA should be declared a Christian Nation (tm).

However, when you look at the breakdown of various questions, they do not understand what separation of church and state mean.

For example, 75% of Republicans and 78% of Democrats believe that schoolteachers should be allowed to lead students in Christian prayer.

71% of Republicans and 77% of Democrats believe the government should stop enforcing separation of church and state.

Christians majority-support putting religious symbols on town logos, while that number is 28% amongst Jews and 19% amongst non-Christians.

4-in10 Black Americans say public school teachers should be allowed to lead Christian prayer in public schools, while that number is 31% amongst white Americans.

More of the survey at the link.

So often, “separation of church and state” seems to translate to many Americans as “government cannot impose itself upon religion,” but religious influence upon government is a-okay.