
Pamela Geller Spews Hatred at Jewish Week

54 11:26:46 am PST

re: #36 stevemcg

Again, she is not a regular in the MSM outlets I look at. You have to search for her to find her. As far as I see it, she has not really pierced the cocoon of her lunacy. It seems to me more of an issue of people looking for her to get a laugh (or cry) rather than her effectivelness in steering the public discourse

She has a huge effect, even if people have not heard of her.

The Park51 project is an example. As far as I know, she began the shrieking about it. I’ve seen folks I know all over talking about that project now; and they’ve never heard of Pam Geller. She’s had a noxious effect far beyond her name recognition in any locality.