
New Video From Keith Olbermann: About That Other Wall Donald Trump Might Build

lawhawk9/29/2016 2:31:33 pm PDT

re: #41 Charles Johnson

Getting away with everything…

Not getting indicted for non-crimes.
Not getting convicted for non-indictments.
Not getting death penalty for non-convictions.

All while the outrage factor is turned up to 11ty about every transgression no matter how minor or irrelevant. Benghazi is just one of the more notable investigations (and there were multiple Benghazi investigations) that found no criminal wrongdoing. But that doesn’t stop them from screeching indignities about being guilty on no proof of just flat out innuendo.

Then you’ve got whining and complaining about a NDA that was released last year that doesn’t show anything new - and doesn’t change anything about the FBI and DOJ not referring for prosecution because no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case forward.

Of course the GOP aren’t reasonable. They’re unreasonable and irresponsible.

Today’s statements by McConnell are proof of that - they’re now bitching that their veto override was a mistake because Obama didn’t explicitly state the reasons for vetoing in the first place (he did). Craven doesn’t begin to cover this.